Pelican, Kingdom of Atlantia - Kingdom of Atlantia, SCA Inc
Atlantian Order of the Pelican

Master Morien MacBain

No Picture Available Order of the Pelican

October 17, 2015 (AS 50)
Per saltire gules and sable, an eagle and on a chief argent, three Maltese crosses sable.

Per saltire gules and sable, an eagle and on a chief argent, three Maltese crosses sable.

Name registered with the College of Arms in January 2002
Device registered with the College of Arms in February 2011

Award Date Kingdom Branch Award
10/17/2015 Æthelmearc Pelican
4/14/2012 Æthelmearc Scarlett Battery
1/10/2015 Æthelmearc Order of the Millrind
12/12/1992 East Award of Arms
4/10/1999 Æthelmearc Order of the Keystone
4/15/2000 Æthelmearc Order of the Golden Alce
5/16/2015 Æthelmearc Order of the Sycamore
9/23/2017 Atlantia Companion of the Quintain
9/23/2006 Æthelmearc Order of the Cornelian
9/28/2013 Æthelmearc Order of the Cornelian
4/11/2015 Æthelmearc Order of the Sigil of Æthelmearc
8/2/2009 Æthelmearc Debatable Lands Comet Vert
6/7/2014 Atlantia Highland Foorde Baronial Award of Excellence
6/11/2016 Atlantia Highland Foorde Companion of the Order of the Golden Hawk

There are 14 awards.

Contact the Clerk of Precedence with any corrections to the award listing.

Home Branch: Barony of Highland Foorde, Atlantia

Contact the Order Principal to upload your Pelican scroll for viewing.

Device image courtesy of Seamus the Tinker, 1/2012

Contact Information:
Master Morien MacBain (Stephen Vandevander)
9125 Ridgefield Ln.
Frederick, MD 21701
304-283-5640 (Home)
svandevander AT

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