Pelican, Kingdom of Atlantia - Kingdom of Atlantia, SCA Inc
Atlantian Order of the Pelican

Viscountess Ísgerðr Gulkárr

No Picture Available Order of the Pelican

August 6, 2009 (AS 44)
No Device Image Available

Award Date Kingdom Branch Award
11/20/1999 Northshield Viscountess
8/6/2009 Northshield Pelican
5/15/2004 Middle Order of the Dragon's Heart
1/4/1997 Middle Award of Arms
10/25/1997 Middle Order of the Willow
8/19/1999 Middle Order of the Dragon's Tooth
8/15/2001 Middle Award of the Purple Fret
1/11/2003 Middle Order of the Red Company
2/15/2014 Middle Award of the King's Chalice
10/7/2017 Atlantia Award of the Undine

There are 10 awards.

Contact the Clerk of Precedence with any corrections to the award listing.

Home Branch: Kingdom of Middle

Contact the Order Principal to upload your Pelican scroll for viewing.

Alternate Names: Isabella Falcão da Galinha; Iskerdr Gulkern

Contact Information:
Viscountess Ísgerðr Gulkárr

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