Pelican, Kingdom of Atlantia - Kingdom of Atlantia, SCA Inc
Atlantian Order of the Pelican

Bronwyn Montgomery of Ironwold

Deceased December 19, 2020 (AS 55)

No Picture Available Order of the Pelican

February 11, 1993 (AS 27)
No Device Image Available

Per chevron vert and argent, two trees couped argent and a swan naiant sable.

Name registered with the College of Arms in May 1988
Device registered with the College of Arms in May 1988

Award Date Kingdom Branch Award
2/11/1993 Artemisia Pelican
10/28/1995 Atenveldt Commander of the Fleur de Soleil
10/28/2000 Artemisia Court Baron (GoA)
10/24/2009 Artemisia Key Cross
10/15/2005 Artemisia Sentinels' Keep Pearl of the Mountain
11/7/1987 Artemisia Award of Arms
10/10/1992 Atenveldt Order of the Light of Atenveldt
10/15/2005 Artemisia Golden Maple Leaf
11/9/1991 Artemisia Order of the Pillar of Artemisia
1/9/1993 Artemisia Order of the Maple Leaf of Artemisia
11/9/1991 Artemisia Sentinels' Keep Argent Plume
7/18/1992 Artemisia Sentinels' Keep Jewel of the Keep
1/28/1995 Artemisia Sentinels' Keep Jallerhorn
10/28/1995 Artemisia Sentinels' Keep Heart of the Keep
10/19/2002 Artemisia Sentinels' Keep Raven's Treasure
1/11/2003 Artemisia Sentinels' Keep Sapphire Flagon
3/19/2005 Artemisia Sentinels' Keep Silver Crane

There are 17 awards.

Contact the Clerk of Precedence with any corrections to the award listing.

Contact the Order Principal to upload your Pelican scroll for viewing.

Alternate Names: Bronwen of Irenuold, Bronwen Montgomery of Irenwold

Contact Information:
Bronwyn Montgomery of Ironwold

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