Mistress Nest verch Gwilim
Recognized August 7, 2024 (AS 59) By Christoph III and Adelhait IV King and Queen of Atlantia |
Quarterly Or and azure, an orle ermine. |
Name registered with the College of Arms in June 2021
Device registered with the College of Arms in July 2014
Award Date | Kingdom | Branch | Award |
8/7/2024 | Atlantia | Pelican | |
2/8/2020 | Atlantia | Companion of the Golden Dolphin | |
9/14/2013 | Atlantia | Award of Arms | |
4/29/2017 | Atlantia | Companion of the Opal | |
2/9/2013 | Atlantia | Bright Hills | Companion of Tessa |
2/13/2016 | Atlantia | Bright Hills | Companion of Job |
There are 6 awards.
Contact the Clerk of Precedence with any corrections to the award listing.
Home Branch: Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Personal Website: https://anestproper.wordpress.com/
Contact the Order Principal to upload your Pelican scroll for viewing.
Device image courtesy of Annelise Bauer
Alternate Names: Beatrice Shirwod (06/2021), Beatrix MacBryd (12/2015), Alainne de Troyes (05/2013), Solveig eyverska (05/2013), Nest filia Willelmi (05/2022)
Contact Information:
Mistress Nest verch Gwilim (Annelise Bauer)
spindlebird AT gmail.com